all together II

Διάρκεια έκθεσης: 5 Μαΐου - 1 Ιουλίου 2023

Η ATHANASIADOU GALLERY παρουσιάζει στη γκαλερί της Θεσσαλονίκης
την ομαδική έκθεση με τίτλο all together II από την Παρασκευή 5 Μαΐου ως το Σάββατο 1 Ιουλίου 2023.
Η έκθεση περιλαμβάνει αντιπροσωπευτικά έργα σημαντικών εκπροσώπων από τη γενιά του ’90 έως σήμερα.

Οι καλλιτέχνες που συμμετέχουν είναι οι:
Γιώργος Αγγελόπουλος
Λένα Αθανασοπούλου
Λάμπρος Ασημάκης
Κατερίνα Αποστολίδου
Πάρις Γιαχουστίδης
Γεωργία Δαμοπούλου
Ingo Dunnebier
Μάρθα Ζμπούνου
Γιάννα Καλή
Θεοδώρα Κανέλλη
Φωτεινή Καριωτάκη
Βασίλης Μιχαηλίδης
Ζήσης Μπλιάτκας
Άρης Παπαπασχάλης
Γιώργος Τάνσαρλης
Αλέξανδρος Τουλιόπουλος,
Λάμπρος Ψυρράκης

Ώρες λειτουργίας: τρ, πε, πα: 10:30-2 & 5:30-8:30 τε, σα: 10:30-2

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Lampros Psyrrakis, The Trapeze Act, 2023, oil, acrylic, inks, enamel colour beads on canvas, 191x169 cm
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Georgia Damopoulou, Symbiote , 2022, zip-ties, 60x60x30 cm
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Katerina Apostolidou, Hope Is the Thing with Feathers, 2023, acrylic, ink on wood, 100x120 cm
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Ingo Dunnebier, Playground , 2020, archival inkjet print on Ηahnemuehle fine art metallic rag, 107x142 cm (ed.1_3)
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Fotini Kariotaki, Imagine I , 2023, iron plate, plexiglass, Fresnel lenses, leds, computer parts, 22x26x26 cm
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Fotini Kariotaki, Imagine IΙ , 2023, iron plate, plexiglass, Fresnel lenses, leds, computer parts, 22x26x26 cm
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Fotini Kariotaki, Restless , 2023, acrylic on canvas, 135x150 cm
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Yanna Kali, The Eyedrop , 2022-23, coloured pencil, graphite on paper, 80x100 cm
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Martha Zmpounou, Structure (study), 2017, ink, watercolour on paper, 40x30 cm
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Martha Zmpounou, Untitled, 2023, watercolour, ink, acrylic on paper, 50x40 cm
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Martha Zmpounou, Woman in Bikini, 2023, watercolour, ink, acrylic ink on cotton, 85x60 cm
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Alexandros Touliopoulos, Artifact I, 2019, plastic, wood, metal, glass, hook, stone, 67x53x30 cm
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Lena Athanasopoulou, Blessed Expectation, 2022, collage, plexiglass, led, 66x100 cm
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Paris Giachoustidis, Man's Eyes, 2020, pencil on paper, 80x65 cm
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10- Paris Giachoustidis, Never Leave Me, 2022, acrylic, coloured pencil on paper, 92x70 cm
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Paris Giachoustidis, The Girl Goes Home, 2020, graffiti spray, pencil on paper, 32x65 cm
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Giorgos Tansarlis, Untitled, 2023, charcoal, acrylic on canvas, 50x50cm
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Vasilis Michailidis, Untitled , 2022, acrylic on canvas, 100x70 cm
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Vasilis Michailidis, Untitled (Ν 114), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 100x70 cm
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Aris Papapaschalis, Ikigai, 2022, mixed media, 150x70x60 cm
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13- Aris Papapaschalis, Maze, 2023, colored pencils on paper, 70x100 cm
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Zisis Bliatkas, Flourishing, 2022, printed canvas on a mat, 100x100 cm
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Zisis Bliatkas, Humid Afterlife, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 100x100 cm
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Yiorgos Angelopoulos, Untitled, 2021, ink on TV, 28x34x16 cm
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Lampros Asimakis, Salad Days, 2022, oil pastels, pencils on paper, 70x100 cm
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Theodora Kanelli, Caravan _ Burning _ Burning Caravan, 2021, oil, mixed media on canvas, 70x70 cm
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Theodora Kanelli, Procession, 2022, oil on canvas, 100x120 cm
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Exhibition view
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Exhibition view